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[10-10 22:28:17]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  会议主持词   阅读:8408

概要:studying in huachu has become the beginning of our dream and we love her very much because she provides us a good opportunity to demonstrate ourselves. for example, the orchestra has produced plenty of outstanding students. ok, shall we share the trumpet trio elaborately prepared by 白奕忻、朱诗云、何雄飞 ?男:如果说往年我们的联欢会节目难忘,那么,我们的每一台节目最亮彩的,一定是我校共建单位91962部队的解放军叔叔阿姨为我们带来的节目,今天他们又带来了两首歌曲,让我们掌声欢迎。dear friends, do you still remember the programs by the soldiers from pla unit 91962 at the pre

studying in huachu has become the beginning of our dream and we love her very much because she provides us a good opportunity to demonstrate ourselves. for example, the orchestra has produced plenty of outstanding students. ok, shall we share the trumpet trio elaborately prepared by 白奕忻、朱诗云、何雄飞 ?
dear friends, do you still remember the programs by the soldiers from pla unit 91962 at the previous get-together ? today, they are going to sing us another 2 songs .i suggest giving them our warmest applause.
we are lucky because we are living in an age-old but young and prosperous nation through the revolutionists and builders’ struggle and efforts generation after generation.
we are proud because we have a great motherland. as the new year arrives, we want to say:
china, i shall give my best regards to you; china, i shall give my cheers for you
as you know, the olympic games will be held in 20**. and friends from all over the world will visit the shanghai world expo. just now someone told me that even the aliens will be present . you see, they’re coming……
the english short play called aliens’ visit to the shanghai world expo was performed by class 4, grade 2 . and the play won the second prize in shanghai middle school student english short play performance competition in honour of world expo .we’ve just enjoyed a few episodes of it. i suggest we give our warmest applause once more as it’s the first time for us to watch the english play at the  newyear’s day get-together.
the world expo attracts worldwide attention. so i think ,as middle school students, we should work hard to contribute ourselves to the world expo.
it’s true that we are a generation full of happiness ;
it’s true that we are a generation full of vigour.
we are enthusiastic; we have dreams;
we are young and healthy, we have inspiration .
therefore, let’s welcome 唐慧倩‘s performance called “in the bright sunshine”. dance accompaniment: our school dancing group.
to learn to thank others makes our life more valuable;
to learn to thank others makes our morality  permanent.

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