概要:回首20**年,我们为历经艰辛所取得的成就充满欣慰;展望20**,我们创业、创効的信心和勇气更甚!相信即将到来的20**年会是一个崭新的开始,让我们并肩携手共创欧科公司的新篇章!中山欧科的明天会更加美好!最后,我想代表公司管理层全体成员,祝所有员工及家人在新的一年里工作顺利,快乐健康!let us start the new chapters together…..dear colleagues and friends:year 20** is approaching toward the end and a new beginning is just around the corner. once again, in this fast moving and dynamics environment, zhongshan eurotec has ride through another extraordinary and eventful year. over the past one-year, we had been experiencin
携手并肩辞旧岁 百尺竿头著新篇,标签:元旦晚会主持词,颁奖晚会主持词,http://www.67jx.com回首20**年,我们为历经艰辛所取得的成就充满欣慰;展望20**,我们创业、创効的信心和勇气更甚!相信即将到来的20**年会是一个崭新的开始,让我们并肩携手共创欧科公司的新篇章!中山欧科的明天会更加美好!
let us start the new chapters together…..
dear colleagues and friends:
year 20** is approaching toward the end and a new beginning is just around the corner. once again, in this fast moving and dynamics environment, zhongshan eurotec has ride through another extraordinary and eventful year.
over the past one-year, we had been experiencing numerous eventful challenges and significant changes in organization. despite some of the constraints and limitations, we managed to overcome all those challenges and 20** was indeed remarkable. our workforce has been growing progressively and steadily from a mere 100 staffs in 20** to its present strength of more than 2,000 employees. our manufacturing throughput has increased tremendously from 854,167 units in year 20** to 1,472,047 units in 20**. inventory has reduced substantially from 47 days to 22 days. our group sales turnover has once again broken its highest sales ever recorded, achieving usd 16,120,174 in november 20**!
we have been consistently achieved our manufacturing goals and objectives in order fulfillment, process yield, productivity, line attrition, inventory control and quality acceptance rate for the last couple of months. we have not only achieved the operations kpis set for year 20**, our workforce and overall setup have been growing to be more stable, systematic and organized. significant efforts and resources are also injected into molding and nurturing a strong corporate culture within eurotec. since september 20**, we have successfully organized several campaigns and activities such as 5-s, safety & health, environment & hygiene, karaoke competition, basketball tournaments, tug-of-war game…etc. these monthly-activities and campaigns have attracted tremendous response and participation from our employees. apparently, our staffs are delighted and enthusiastic of these initiatives and looking forward to have more. a music band group and a basketball team were also formed to create a corporate identity. it is also evident that the success of these activities instills the confidence and loyalty of our staff towards the company. staff turnover has dropped from its highest peak at 8.20% to the most recent 3.22%.