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[11-13 01:04:37]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  九年级英语教案   阅读:8822

概要: ⑥She asked, "Where are we going to meet tomorrow?" She asked where they were going to meet the following day. ⑦He asked me, "Why were you late yesterday?" He asked me why I had been late the day before. ★如果直接引语是一般疑问,选择问句或反意疑问句,在间接引语前要用连词whether或if。 ①He asked, "Are you sure your mother will come?" He asked if (whether) I was sure my mother would come. ②She asked, "Are you a student or a teacher?" She asked me

    ⑥She asked, "Where are we going to meet tomorrow?"
    She asked where they were going to meet the following day.
    ⑦He asked me, "Why were you late yesterday?"
    He asked me why I had been late the day before.
    ①He asked, "Are you sure your mother will come?"
    He asked if (whether) I was sure my mother would come.
    ②She asked, "Are you a student or a teacher?"
    She asked me whether I was a student or a teacher.
    ③He asked, "you have a few friends in the new school, don't you?"
    He asked me whether(if) I had a few friends in the new school.
    ①He said, "Please come her earlier."
    He asked me to go there earlier.
    ②The teacher said, "Don't do that again, children."
    The teacher told children not to do that again.
    ③The captain said, "Get everything ready in two hours."
    The captain ordered (told) us to get everything ready in two hours.

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