- 名称:江苏省镇江实验初级中学2014年八年级上学期期中—英语
- 下载类型:八年级英语试卷
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:12 19:44:58
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- 语言简体中文
- 大小:181 KB
- 推荐度:3 星级
2009-2010学年度第一学期期中质量检测 八年级英语 提醒:请同学们将答案填在答题卷相应题号的空格内。 第一卷(选择题;共65分) 一、听力(共20小题。每小题1分,满分20分) A)根据所听到的内容,选择与所听内容相符的图画,听一遍(5分) B)根据所听对话和问题选择正确答案。听两遍(5分) ( )6.Where are they talking? A.At home. B.At the bus stop. C.At school. ( )7.Which month is the baby’s birthday in? A.January. B.May. C.September. ( )8.What are they talking about? A.Travelling abroad. B.Family members. C.Past things. ( )9.When will the woman’s train leave? A.9:15. B.9:50. C.10:50. ( )10.Whose drawing is the most beautiful? A.Millie’s. B.Simon’s. C.Sandy’s. C)听下面几段对话或独白,每段对话或独白有几个问题,从题中所给的选项中选择正确答案,听两遍。(10分) . 听第一段材料完成第11—12题 ( )11.Where does the woman want to go? A.The bus station. B.The supermarket. C.The post Office ( )12.Which bus can take the woman there? A.The No.7 bus. B.The No.1 bus C.The No.6 bus. 听第二段材料完成第13—15题 ( )13.What’s the girl’s favourite subject? A.History B.Engli..., 大小:181 KB