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  • 名称:山东省滨州市滨城区2014年九年级上学期期中学业水平测试英语试卷
  • 下载类型:九年级英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:12 19:49:11
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6595
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:7.54 MB
  • 推荐度:3 星级

2009-2010学年度滨州市滨城区第一学期九年级期中学业水平测试 英语试题 一.单项选择: 1.--How do you learn English?-- I learn English by _________. A.going swimming B.reading many Chinese books C.listening to English tapes D.doing some cleaning 2. When I was young, I used to spend much time_____ story books. A.watching B.reading C.looking D.seeing 3.--Whose volleyball is it? --It _____Carla’s.She doesn’t like volleyball. A.must be B.can be C.may be D.can’t be 4.--What would you do if you injured your knee while running? --I’d stop _____ . A.to exercise B.exercising C.exercised D.exercise 5. Could you tell me ___________? A.when will the meeting start B.when the meeting will start C.the meeting will start when D.the meeting when will start 6. Everyone in our class_____. A.enjoys to swim B.enjoy to swim C.enjoys swimming D.enjoy swimming 7. ______adults began to learn English in this small town. A.Thousand of B.Thousands of C.Thousand from D.T..., 大小:7.54 MB
Tag:九年级英语试卷九年级英语试题,九年级英语期末试卷考试试卷下载 - 英语试卷 - 九年级英语试卷
