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  • 名称:2009年山东省日照市实验中学中考模拟试卷(一)—英语
  • 下载类型:中考英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:10 22:54:37
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:6915
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:116 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

初 四 三 轮 复 习 达 标 检 测 英 语 试 题(一)  (时间:120分钟 分值:120分)  命题人:张秀华 第一卷 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ 总分 得分 I听力(20分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子,听一遍后选择最佳答案。 1. A. It was hard work.  B. Yes, there many.   C. Quite a lot. 2. A. Yes, this is Peter.  B. No, I’m not Peter.  C. Who are you? 3. A. Because he was born in London.  B. Because his father found work in London. C .Because he lived with this grandfather. 4. A. In 1981.   B. In England.   C.In England, in 1981. 5. A. Yes, she did.   B. Yes, she has.   C. Yes, she is. (Ⅱ)录音中有五组对话及五个问题,听两遍后选择最佳答案。 6. A. In her hand.   B. In the street.   C .In the tree. 7. A. It’s 2:00.    B. It’s 2:30.    C. It’s 3:00. 8. A. His father.    B. His uncle.    C. His mother. 9. A. To listen to a talk.  B. To visit some friends.  C. To visit the museum. 10. A. He did his homework.  B. He played football.  C. He cleaned the classroom. (Ⅲ)录音中有一段对话及五个问题,听两遍后选择最佳答案。 11. A. In the morning.   B.In the afternoon.   C. In the evening. 12. A. A restaurant. ..., 大小:116 KB
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