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[02-20 18:48:16]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  感恩节作文   阅读:8590

概要:a teacher is like spring, who nurtures new green sprouts, encourages and leads them, whenever they have doubts。a teacher is like summer, whose sunny temperament makes studying a pleasure, preventing discontent。a teacher is like fall, with methods crisp and clear, lessons of bright colors and a happy atmosphere。a teacher is like winter, while it's snowing hard outside, keeping students comfortable, as a warm and helpful guide。teacher, you do all these things, with a pleasa


a teacher is like spring,
who nurtures new green sprouts,
encourages and leads them,
whenever they have doubts。

a teacher is like summer,
whose sunny temperament
makes studying a pleasure,
preventing discontent。

a teacher is like fall,
with methods crisp and clear,
lessons of bright colors
and a happy atmosphere。

a teacher is like winter,
while it's snowing hard outside,
keeping students comfortable,
as a warm and helpful guide。

teacher, you do all these things,
with a pleasant attitude;
you’re a teacher for all seasons,
and you have my gratitude!

写给老师的感恩节英语作文的同主题文章:关于感恩节的短文 中小学生感恩节作文大全 初中生感恩节作文800字 初中生感恩节作文600字 感恩节作文650字 感恩节初中作文700字


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