- 名称:山东省兖州市教研室2008—2009年八年级下学期期末质量检测试卷—英语
- 下载类型:八年级英语试卷
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- 更新时间:12 19:44:16
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- 语言简体中文
- 大小:431 KB
- 推荐度:3 星级
2008-2009学年度第二学期期末质量监测 八年级英语试题 卷面要求:1.整张试卷整洁美观,格式规范,布局合理。 2.字迹清晰工整,标点符号准确、规范。。 3.避免随意勾画,胡乱涂改。 卷面分分四等,一等6—5分;二等4—3分;三等2—1分;四等0分。 一、听力测试(本题共20分,每小题1分) (一)听录音中五组句子,选择能应答每个句子的正确答案。 ( )1.A.Paris,I think. B.Next month. C.Let’s do it. ( )2.A.Yes,I’d like to. B.OK.Thanks a lot. C.Sorry.I’ll do it right away. ( )3.A.Last year. B.Only once. C.It is beautiful. ( )4.A.He’s scared. B.Please call him up. C.I had a terrible haircut. ( )5.A.Five dollars. B.Twenty minutes. C.Forty kilometers. (二)听录音中五组对话,选择能回答所给问题的正确答案。 ( )6.Where are they talking? ( )7.What does Tom collect? ( )8.What does Pete want to play after finishing the work in the kitchen? A.Baseball. B.Basketball. C.Computer games. ( )9.Does the man think dogs are popular pets? A.Yes,he does. B.N0,he doesn’t. C.It isn’t mentioned. ( )10.When are the things in the shop cheap?..., 大小:431 KB