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Unit 11 What do you like?

[03-10 23:31:19]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  初二英语说课   阅读:8711

概要:Step 4 Practice(I) Guessing gameShow the picture with computer, just can see the half of the picture, let the students guess: What food is it ? (This step is employed to give a deep understanding of the new words.)(II) Listen and number.It’s employed to improve students’ listening ability.(III) Remember gameGive the students about>(This step is employed to raise the interests of the students’ and practice the words and sentences.)(IV) ConversationShow &ld

Unit 11 What do you like?,标签:初二英语说课稿,初中英语说课稿,http://www.67jx.com

Step 4 Practice

(I) Guessing game
Show the picture with computer, just can see the half of the picture, let the students guess: What food is it ?
(This step is employed to give a deep understanding of the new words.)
(II) Listen and number.
It’s employed to improve students’ listening ability.
(III) Remember game
Give the students about>(This step is employed to raise the interests of the students’ and practice the words and sentences.)
(IV) Conversation
Show “the conversation’’ as a film, see the film and answer the question :What does Gogo like ? (It ’s employed to make the students get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole> Then, See the film> (This step is employed to give the students a deep understanding of the conversation, improve their speaking ability.)

Step 5 Consolidation

Set up the situation, some lovely friends are in the party, we are invited to the party, too .(Show it>At last the teacher gives some advice>(This step is employed to create a dialogue for students’ communication in the class, and to give the students a chance to practice their oral English quasi-communicative situation. At the same time, deal with the moral lessons .)

Step 6 Challenging activities

Let the student draw a funny picture, “The Real Me”, showing the food they like, have the students share their pictures in the class, making the sentences about what do they like, eg: I like cake. What do you like? Then , let the students talk about the picture and practice the sentences in group.
( This step is employed to let the students practice the sentences and words, at the same time create students’ imagination and operation。)
Step 7 Summary and expand knowledge.
Visit the supermarket>China and other country. This step is employed to have a summary by a natural way, and develop students’ vision, help students to understand the cultural differences between the East and West.

Step8 Homework

1. Try your best to find out the food in the net. ( http://www.google.com搜索:食物 )
Ask your friends or parents :What do you like?
Make a survey.

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