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Unit 2 English around the world 说课稿

[03-10 23:39:15]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  高二英语说课稿   阅读:8451

概要::详细解释每个段落。第一段首先让学生用已有的知识介绍自己对17—19世纪这段历史,特别是英国及其殖民地扩张这段历史的了解;然后老师可说明英语随着殖民地的扩张而向外传播,并适当补充相关的词汇(the expansion of the British Empire, the establishment of colonies inthe New Continent, the spread of English, etc.);Beginning in the 17th century, and continuing well into the 19th century, the UK, which had long ago colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland, colonized much of the world: First in North America, the Caribbean, India, including what is now Pakistan and Banglad

Unit 2 English around the world 说课稿,标签:高中英语说课稿,英语说课稿,http://www.67jx.com

第一段首先让学生用已有的知识介绍自己对17—19世纪这段历史,特别是英国及其殖民地扩张这段历史的了解;然老师可说明英语随着殖民地的扩张而向外传播,并适当补充相关的词汇(the expansion of the British Empire, the establishment of colonies in

the New Continent, the spread of English, etc.);

Beginning in the 17th century, and continuing well into the 19th century, the UK, which had long ago colonized Ireland and joined with Scotland, colonized much of the world: First in North America, the Caribbean, India, including what is now Pakistan and Bangladesh, Australia, New Zealand, Palestine, parts of sub-Sahara, Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore and the Pacific islands.

What's more, American colonial rulers also brought their kind of English to Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, the Philippines and other Pacific islands in the late 19th century.


The biggest difference between British and American English is not in spelling but in word usage. Different English- speaking cultures sometimes use the same words in different ways. For example, British English speakers prefer to say “I've got” whereas American English speakerds simply say “I have”. In response to something that was not fully understood, a British English speaker says “Pardon?” or “Sorry?” An American English speaker is more likely to say “What's that? “Say that again? “Say what?” or even “Come again?” All of these differences are a direct result of cultures separated both geographically and historically.


第三段学生阅读本段文章,理解英语的历史和发展进程,教师补充关于英语的历史和发展进程更详尽的知识以及对英语发展起着重要作用的人物:Shakespeare,William Tyndale,Noah Webster, 同时举例说明英语大量引用外来词来扩大词汇量(可参考背景资料);


第四步:P11, Comprehending, Activity 2.学生讨论并回答问题;

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