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Unit 2 English around the world 说课稿

[03-10 23:39:15]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  高二英语说课稿   阅读:8451

概要:How are you going to make use of your pocket money?I really don't know how to make full use of the time.a large number of, the number ofwww.67jx.com: A large number of students are reading the book.The number of students reading the book is large.第五步:播放录音,学生小声跟读, 注意语音语调。 Homework 朗读课文,复习课文的重点单词句式和段落;完成 Learning about language Activities 1,2,3.评讲翻译练习,Workbook( P 53, Project ), Summing up 和 Learning tip。上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4]

Unit 2 English around the world 说课稿,标签:高中英语说课稿,英语说课稿,http://www.67jx.com
How are you going to make use of your pocket money?

I really don't know how to make full use of the time.

a large number of, the number of


A large number of students are reading the book.

The number of students reading the book is large.

第五步:播放录音,学生小声跟读, 注意语音语调。



完成 Learning about language Activities 1,2,3.

评讲翻译练习,Workbook( P 53, Project ), Summing up 和 Learning tip。

上一页  [1] [2] [3] [4] 

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