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[10-10 22:31:32]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  农林牧渔   阅读:8579

概要:摘 要农村传统作文教学中,普遍存在着“重指导轻练笔,重形式轻内容,重课内轻课外,重共性轻个性”的现象。这种现象既影响了学生作文能力的提高又阻碍了学生思维和个性的发展。那么如何构建一种与新的课程标准相协调的作文教学模式,给学生提供充分自主的空间,消除学生的恐惧心理,引导学生愿写、乐写、会写,从而提高教学效率,促进创新教育在作文教学中的真正落实呢?我针对农村学生实际,主要从三个方面加以阐述;首先,从多形式诱发学生写作情感方面;其次,从指导学生选材构架方面;最后,从组织学生交流初稿方面,进一步激活学生思维,拓宽写作思路。关键词:农村; 创新 ; 多元评价astractvillage traditional composition teaching in the widespread existence emphasizes instruction to practice a pen lightly, heavy form light contents, the outside of the light lesson inside the heav


摘 要


关键词:农村;  创新 ;   多元评价


village traditional composition teaching in the widespread existence emphasizes instruction to practice a pen lightly, heavy form light contents, the outside of the light lesson inside the heavy lesson, the heavy total is light the phenomenon of the character.

this kind of phenomenon since influenced student's exaltation of[with] the composition ability and obstructed the development of student's thinking and character.how set up a kind ofcomposition teaching mode that moderates with new course standard mutually so, provide full independent space for student, remove a student to fear mental state, guide a student to wish to write,the joy write and would write, raising the teaching efficiency thus, promoting the innovation education in the real implementation in composition teaching?i aim at village a student actual, main take in to elaborate from threes;induct a student to write emotion aspect from the multiformity type first;secondly, the student chooses material frame aspect from the instruction;end, the student communicates from the organization the first draft aspect, activate student's thinking further, open widely writing way of thinking.

keywords:village;  innovation ;   diverse evaluation

目 录


1、巧用说话材料…………………………………………… (4)

2、发挥想象功能…………………………………………… (5)

3、努力创设情境…………………………………………… (5)

4、体现不拘一格…………………………………………… (5)


1、多方面选材……………………………………………… (6)

2、多形式表达……………………………………………… (7)

3、多体裁写作……………………………………………… (8)


1、张扬个性,学生自评…………………………………… (10)

2、畅所欲言,学生互评…………………………………… (10)

3、激活思维,师生共评…………………………………… (11)





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