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八年级英语上册Unit 6 第3课时教案

[11-13 01:02:37]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  八年级英语教案   阅读:8540

概要: 四、教学SectonB -2c Discussion 1. 教师提问学生:Who would you like to make friends with? (holly, Maria和their best friends) Why?让学生模仿2 的对话模式编对话,并叫几组学生表演出来。 2. 教师接着说:Introduce your new friend to us. (1) Why is he/she your good friend? (2) What do you like about him/her? (3) Do you have anything same as him/her? (4) How are you different from each other? 说明: 本部分的讨论活动是对前面片段的总结, 主要目的是激发学生用所学的句子结构发表自己的意见, 正确的评价holly, Maria和their best friends这三个人物。 五、作业(homewor

八年级英语上册Unit 6 第3课时教案,标签:八年级上册英语教案,人教八年级英语教案,http://www.67jx.com
    四、教学SectonB -2c  Discussion
    1. 教师提问学生:Who would you like to make friends with? (holly, Maria和their best friends)  Why?让学生模仿2 的对话模式编对话,并叫几组学生表演出来。
    2. 教师接着说:Introduce your new friend to us.
    (1) Why is he/she your good friend?
    (2) What do you like about him/her?
    (3) Do you have anything same as him/her?
    (4) How are you different from each other?
    说明:  本部分的讨论活动是对前面片段的总结, 主要目的是激发学生用所学的句子结构发表自己的意见, 正确的评价holly, Maria和their best friends这三个人物。

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