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高中英语“ why do you do that”课例点评

[03-10 23:36:48]   来源:http://www.67jx.com  高一英语说课稿   阅读:8940

概要:3、教学课件 利用清华同方多媒体教育教学素材库中的任务驱动型课件 “Doing things step by step”设置自选学习环境,学生自选1-2个任务,进行练习。 练习形式: 图文配对练习:从 meaning的角度,训练学生对句子的准确理解能力。 连句成文:在篇章层次上,引导和训练学生对篇章结构加深理解和记忆。 练习结果: 学生能够利用课件提供的素材进行写作练习、小组口语训练,掌握一步一步地做事情的表达技能。 4、教学过程 Step One Leading in Today we'll pick up Unit 5, Lesson 17-a dialogue. At the end of the class, you're supposed to be able to give your friends instructions on how to do things step by step. Pre-listening questions: 1. What's Mick's mo

高中英语“ why do you do that”课例点评,标签:高中英语说课稿,英语说课稿,http://www.67jx.com


利用清华同方多媒体教育教学素材库中的任务驱动型课件 “Doing things step by step”设置自选学习环境,学生自选1-2个任务,进行练习。


图文配对练习:从 meaning的角度,训练学生对句子的准确理解能力。





Step One Leading in

Today we'll pick up Unit 5, Lesson 17-a dialogue. At the end of the class, you're supposed to be able to give your friends instructions on how to do things step by step.

Pre-listening questions:

1. What's Mick's mother talking about?

2. Can you describe the steps of Mick's mother planting cabbage seeds?

Step Two Presentation

A. Listen for information

Listen and answer the following questions:

1. What's Mick's mother talking about?

2. Can you describe the steps of Mick's mother planting cabbage seeds?

(audio text )

B. Listen for specific verbs

Listen for the specific verbs on how Mick's Mum plants cabbages. While listening, be sure to fill in the blanks.

( The sheet with blanks )

(audio text )

C. Read and identify the transitional words

Read the dialogue for the expressions used to express how to do things step by step.

( The sheet with blanks )

(audio text )

Step Three Practice

Task-based Activities

A. Planting pumpkin seeds

a. Pair work

b. Fill the transitional words in the blanks

( The sheet with blanks )

B. Planting carrots

a. Match the sentences with the pictures

b. Tell the procedure of planting carrots

c. Read the sample passage and check on our own

( A Sample )

Step Four Production

A. Group work:

Students will intensify their skills of expressing how to do things step by step by means of group work.

B. Presentation:

Students will consolidate and show their skills of expressing how to do things step by step.



本课例将示范性教学技术环境与传统教学结合,使用多媒体课件 “Doing things step by step”演示辅助教学。在教学过程中,教师充分发挥多媒体课件多媒体化、交互性强的特点,利用了文本、声音、图形等多种媒体信息设置合理的语言操练情境,激发了学生的学习兴趣,为学生任务驱动型学习、合作性学习、自主性学习提供了更多的空间和机会。多媒体课件的使用扩大了教学容量,提高了教学密度。师生有效地完成了本课的教学目标,课堂教学效率高,是一节较好地运用现代教育信息技术与高中英语课堂教学整合的课。

本课例多媒体教学课件的使用恰当。多媒体教学课件的使用紧紧围绕课堂教学目标,除了借用课件突破教学重点和难点外,在巩固、操练这一教学步骤中利用多媒体课件 “Doing things step by step”,创设具有交际性的不同的语言情境,帮助学生在语言运用中练习、巩固、使用所学的语言知识,很好地完成本课的教学目标,有效地培养和提高学生用英语进行口、笔头交际的能力。

本课例多媒体课件的使用有不可替代性。本课的教学内容是 "描绘做某事的步骤",提供做某事数个步骤的直观图像。多媒体课件“Doing things step by step”提供了顺序可以随意排列的图像,只需点击按钮即可迅速完成不同顺序的排列,其他的教辅手段,如,图片、幻灯片是无法实现这一效果的。

本课例多媒体素材补充的教学内容-种南瓜、种胡萝卜、发电子邮件是真实的 (authentic)。真实的内容就具有交际性和实用性,因此它对调动学生开口说、动笔写的积极性起到重要作用,而围绕真实内容所进行的操练活动又是有意义的、有效的。

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