概要:罗琳娜·麦肯妮特出生于加拿大缅省草原地区的一个小城镇(Modern),是加拿大著名的爱尔兰竖琴演奏家、键盘手,以及歌手。Loreena 青年时代的梦想是成为一名兽医,并且最终进入Winnipeg 的一所大学就读相关课程。但是在80年,当 Loreena 第一次接触到爱尔兰音乐时,她毅然放弃了学业, 并且在81年搬到了安省的Stratford,加入了那里的莎士比亚艺术节的演出 ,从此开始了在乐坛20余年的音乐生涯。 Loreena McKennitt的音乐绝大部分为其自己创作,题材大多涉及爱尔兰文化及生活 。 所以 ,如果你是 Celtic音乐的爱好者 , Loreena McKennitt 是个不错的开始。目前, Loreena McKennitt 拥有自己的唱片公司,名为 Quinlan Road (Quinlan Road 是其小时候家门口的那条路)。 唱片曲目: Prologue [序言] The Mummers' Dance [艺者之舞] Skellig Marco Polo [马克·
寻找有效的英语学习方法,标签:初中英语学习方法,小学英语学习方法,http://www.67jx.com罗琳娜·麦肯妮特出生于加拿大缅省草原地区的一个小城镇(Modern),是加拿大著名的爱尔兰竖琴演奏家、键盘手,以及歌手。Loreena 青年时代的梦想是成为一名兽医,并且最终进入Winnipeg 的一所大学就读相关课程。但是在80年,当 Loreena 第一次接触到爱尔兰音乐时,她毅然放弃了学业, 并且在81年搬到了安省的Stratford,加入了那里的莎士比亚艺术节的演出 ,从此开始了在乐坛20余年的音乐生涯。
Loreena McKennitt的音乐绝大部分为其自己创作,题材大多涉及爱尔兰文化及生活 。 所以 ,如果你是 Celtic音乐的爱好者 , Loreena McKennitt 是个不错的开始。目前, Loreena McKennitt 拥有自己的唱片公司,名为 Quinlan Road (Quinlan Road 是其小时候家门口的那条路)。
Prologue [序言]
The Mummers' Dance [艺者之舞]
Marco Polo [马克·波罗]
The Highwayman (McKennitt/Noyes) [强盗]
La Serenissima
Night Ride Across the Caucasus [夜骑高加索]
Dante's Prayer [但丁的祈祷]
Kate Price -- Deep Heart's Core
One reviewer described Kate Price as "half fairy and half Gypsy." This is the album that proves it to be wonderfully true. Easily lumped in with Celtic or folk genres by unknowing music chains, Kate Price's music is in fact a mixture of those traditions combined with her own inspired compositions. Indeed, in the liner notes, Price remarks on how she spent many of her childhood nights listening to Bulgarian music, and that flavor has definitely stayed with her through the years.
Deep Heart's Core has a feeling of unity that Price's first album, The Time Between, did not quite manage. Price's storytelling slips well from selection to selection, making the entire collection vibrate with emotion as well as the irresistible beat.
Kate Price again combines ballads and instrumental songs, some her own and some with lyrics or music borrowed from other sources. The entire album is filled with her trademark hammered dulcimer and hummell, the warmth of her contralto voice and an energy which leads from dancing to dreaming and back again.
The first song on the album, "The Labyrinth," demonstrates immediately both how well she can write as and how keen her sense of how music and words work together. The song creates a vivid and almost palpable vision of the journey toward a wedding. A later addition, "The Journey On," proves that the first is no fluke, providing an energetic and poignant portrait of nomadic life.
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